Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Who is the Data Protection Officer?

The Data Protection Officer's (DPO) primary responsibility is to ensure that his company processes personal data of its staff, clients, vendors, or other individuals (also known as data subjects) in compliance with relevant data protection regulations.

Tasks of the DPO

In collaboration with the data protection regulator, the DPO must ensure that data protection regulations are followed (for the EU institutions and bodies, this is the EDPS). The DPO must:

  • Ensure that controllers and data objects are told of their data privacy privileges, obligations, and responsibilities, and that they are mindful of these rights, obligations, and responsibilities;
  • Provide the institution with guidance and suggestions on the interpretation and implementation of the data security rules;
  • Ensure that her institution is compliant with data privacy laws and that it is held accountable in this regard.
  • React to inquiries or reports from the institution, the controller, or other individuals, as well as on her own initiative;
  • Bring any violations of the relevant data privacy laws to the notice of the institution.

Recomended exam requirements

  • Number of questions: 80
  • Exam duration: 1.5 hours
  • Test format: multiple choice
  • Pass points: 70%

We also have a process for determining the difficulty level of each question. The individual grade is then entered into the overall abbreviated grade for each exam form. To ensure that each form has the same assessment standards, abbreviated scores are established on a "each exam form" basis.


  • no pre-certification required.

Self study

    A list of all the materials will be provided.

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